Archive for January, 2012

If i could invite three people to dinner I would invite,

Ewan McGregor other wise known as Obi wan Kenobi from Star Wars. I would invite him because star wars has been my favorite movie series since my childhood. I would ask him multiple things about being in the movies and what it looked like being “behind the curtain”.

Another person that i would invite to dinner is the curator/voice of Spongebob.

I would invite him because when i was little i use to always watch spongebob and he was my idol. My favorite episode is when spongebob has to deliver a pizza made from crabby patties. My favorite part of it is when he sings “The crusty crab pizza, is the pizza, for you and me”.

The last person I would invite to dinner is the actor of Monk (An T.V. show about an detective that has a boat load of phobias).

I would invite him because he seems very funny and i want to know how he got threw the hole episode with out laughing at himself. I started watching it when my friend first showed it to me last year and loved it ever since. It is so funny and sad how many fears he has. I also love to see the mysteries of the show. They are VERY interesting, you should try them out. 😉

Save our World!

The biggest issue facing our generation is Obesity. Some people might think that it is not a problem because of all the choses in fast food now a days but looks can be deceiving. The might of changed the menu but peoples ways have not changed. If a over weight mom and dad had a son the son would not eat any differently then the mom or dad so the process continues. I would change this issue by advertising a new way to be healthier and almost scare them with the facts of obesity.

The tactics in the past that have been tried are heather items on the menu. Well some people that don’t eat healthier pick the more fattening foods then the heather kinds. If this person did not eat healthy s a kid or threw there life why change now? There also have been a movie (Super size me) on the super sizing of portions to fast foods. This probably changed a lot of peoples opinion about fast food. Other Groups/Foundation that have been done is the CMA Foundation (Obesity Prevention Project)

My solutions of changing this forever is to go and advertise healthier foods and put facts everywhere about it. I will probably need around 100,000 to rent bill boards and start teams of people to spread the word about eating healthier. Then if that does not work I will probably go to television and invite famous actors to list some of the facts about obesity. Also what the benefits of eating healthier like a longer life.  If that won’t work then i guess nothing will until they make the decision them selves.

I will know if I succeeds if number one McDonnell’s runs out of business or see less over weight people on the street and more in the gym. The chances of succeeding is like 100 to 7. This is so because people probably are going to saw “Why should I change?” “I have a right to do what i want to my body.” We CAN NOT force them to eat healthier but we CAN persuade them to. I do hope this will be a permanent change but over time it can start all over again.

“Obesity.” PubMed Health. Ed. David C. Dugdale. NCBI, 7 Nov. 2011. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. <;.

Hutcher, Neil. “Facts About Obesity.” Obesity Weight Loss Surgery. Bariatric Surgery, 10 Aug. 2011. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. <;.

“Obesity Prevention Project.” CMA Foundation. CMA, 2011. Web. 22 Jan. 2012. <;.

After reading this i think the technology is good in teaching the students because number one it is way easier to just search a video on google about one of the performances of romeo and Juliet then going all the way downtown to just teach about one thing. But the downsides to to much technology is that people rely to much on technology. If there was a black out in Fulton county the teachers would not know what to do because all there lessons are on the computer and soon we will have no text books so all the knowledge would be in a computer or ipad or a kindle. Overall i think technology and education goes perfect together to some extent.


Yes I do think there is a lot of teachers using technology in schools now a days. But I think it is a good thing that they do this because it reaches new levels of understanding that the students can react to. For example virtual worlds or sims, diagrams,and other strategies teachers use. Like if you were teaching science and u wanted to show your students a cell’s structure. It would be very confusing just looking at a book and explaining it then to see a 3D model of it and showing videos on it. So I guess if the schools went overboard on technology it would be bad but right now it is very beneficial.